Inconvenience of Opportunity

Chelsea was eight months pregnant. We had just finished the nursery and finally completed the sunroom flooring we had put off for years. The nesting checklist was pretty much complete! Now that we were prepared (the best we could) for our first baby, I wanted to enjoy the last few weekends spending time with just my lady. However, I was given an opportunity to do something else one evening - only a couple weeks before our due date.

My good pastor-friend (Tony) had invited me to a Royal Rangers event he was preaching at - on a Friday evening. Candidly, I didn't feel like going, especially needing to drive an hour after a long day to end the work week. I went against my feelings and made the decision to car pool with some friends in order to attend the event.

Upon arriving, I was surprised to see the large number of boys and men, varying in ages. We made a short trek from the parking area to the isolated stage. The large stage set in an open field, encompassed by woods. As the orange summer sun began to set, our brotherhood walked on stage. There were 7 of us varying in age and size - but we all stood in unison behind Tony as he began to speak into the mic. 

Sometimes you just have to be there to truly experience something, and this was one of those times. With a powerful message delivered by Tony, in conjunction with no ladies and a campsite atmosphere, there was a brother to brother bonding - promoting full authenticity. The Spirit of God was alive and well that night. It was one of those unique times where His presence could be described as tangible. 

As his sermon came to a close, Tony had instructed us 7 guys to the front of the stage, to pray for those coming in from the crowd. Again, the Holy Spirit pierced the atmosphere, as I began shedding tears - full of compassion on all those in attendance. It wasn't just me - As I was praying and looking out to the guys I was praying over, I could see the majority of them weeping. It was apparent to me that God's love had just rocked all of us. We were encouraging one another as ambassadors for Christ, the way Jesus taught - full of grace and truth. 

After closing in prayer, the crowd slowly dwindled, heading back to their campsites. As a band of brothers, us guys who came together walked through the dark to get back to our vehicles, discussing what just happened. Growing hunger pains led us to stop by a Cracker Barrel for some good old fashion grub. As we laughed and ate together in fellowship, the joy of the night continued. When I finally arrived home late that summer night, my wife was sound asleep on the couch - looking relaxed, at peace. A grin of gratitude formed in my cheeks. Then, a thought immediately came to me: I would have missed tonight's incredible experience if I let my feelings dictate my decision.

My point is, making room for God opportunities ahead of your personal schedule, may lead to one of the most rewarding experiences in your life! I wish I could tell you I put this into practice all the time, but that's simply not true - I've missed out on many God opportunities to bless others and in turn, myself. Nevertheless, I want this story to encourage you next time you're thinking about the inconvenience of an opportunity.

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